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All you need to know about moose hunting in Quebec - 2024

On top of being the largest member of the deer family, the moose (Alces Americanus) is the only one with full-spread antlers.  With its large muzzle, long hair under his throoat as well as roach back shoulders, one can identify him easily.  The moose crisscrosses the open country all day with peak periods at dawn and dusk. Some 175,000 hunters patrol the forests each year looking for this animal.

*Hunting season dates are subject to change without notice. We still recommend checking the dates directly on the government website.

Important Dates

Note 1: In all wildlife reserves, as well as in some outfitting operations with exclusive rights and some ZECs, certain measures governing hunting white-tailed deer, moose and black bear differ from the measures governing hunting in the zones where the reserves, outfitting operations or ZECs are located. For more information, consult the sections on hunting in ZECs and reserves, and contact your outfitter to find out the measures in force in his territory.

Note 2: For moose hunting, the expression “muzzle-loading firearm” designates muzzle-loading or breech-loading rifles or
shotguns, without a casing, of a gauge or calibre equal to or greater than 12.7 mm (.50), used with one bullet at a time. (Muzzle-loading hunting only possible in Zones 1, 2 and 10 East.)

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